With association of over 13000 best hospitals, we offer world class medicare to foreigners at a low cost. We have technology tie ups with international institutions, for further ensuring of global clinical protocols and standards. Top of treatments institution being: –



HIV / AIDS Treatment Facilities :We treat largest numbers of HIV positive patients with best patient facilities in Asia with well equipped hospitals and best medical professionals.
Plastic Surgery Facilities: With best facilities available, plastic surgery treatment is as per international standards.


Our contact best bet is a spectacular exception setup in 1941, with 4 building complexes in central Mumbai, is the best for cancer treatment, with registration of 34000 patients every year and about 1200 OPD patient daily, having 197 specialized doctors & 313 nurses.


We collaborate with Institutions with premier treatments and endoscopy procedure, being the best.


Infertility Facilities: – We collaborate with good ranking institutions.
Mental Health Facilities: – We collaborate with good ranking institutions
Orthopedic Surgery Facilities :  We collaborate with good ranking institutions.
Liver Transplant Facilities : – We collaborate with good ranking institutions.